Meet Our Teachers
Meet the Best Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers in San Francisco

Kathy Alef
Practicing since: 1976
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Kathy's Website
I am inspired by the profound and sensitive teaching of yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar and his children, Geetaji and Prashantji. My regular visits to Pune enrich and nourish my practice and teachings. I enjoy teaching advanced students, those beginning to understand the depth of practice, and those who suffer with back challenges. In the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras Patanjali gives several methods to calm the mind and prepare it for spiritual evolution – have a soft, slow exhalation and wait for awhile, witness the serenity and peace in that empty space after exhalation. I find this sutra to be quieting to my nervous system and a great comfort to deal with the stresses of life.
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Miri Aloni Rivlin
Practicing since: 1998
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Miri's Website
I danced for 16 years and sought something beyond the physical. When I found Iyengar Yoga, I knew that my search was over. Since then my focus has been solely established on the practice and teaching of Iyengar Yoga. Yoga drew me in because of its depth as a philosophy, science, and form of art. I worked for a decade as a costume & stage designer (M.F.A., Tel-Aviv University), and certainly saw the beauty in it. I constantly learn through daily practice, attending workshops, and annual trips to Pune to study at RIMYI. In classes I help students build solid foundations and a dynamic approach. I try to bring them into a state of awareness, to receive a taste of this ocean called yoga. Inspired by Guruji’s words: “Do not stop trying just because perfection eludes you”, I challenge myself and students to move forward in creative ways while keeping it friendly and joyful. Being a mother of three taught me the importance of having a positive approach, which I try to bring to my classes.
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Victoria Austin
Practicing since: 1971
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Victoria's Website
I began practicing yoga in 1971, after a near-death experience showed me some home truths about my limitations and delusions. In 1983, I came to IYISF to do teacher training, and have been teaching continuously since 1984. Yoga practice is my passion – I look for the light in each student and do my best to transmit trust in long, steady, uninterrupted practice, through my example, words, hands, and eyes. Guruji asked me to train myself so that every action gives life, and after two major accidents, there is nothing more satisfying than expressing freedom every day through this very body and mind in yoga. As Yoga Sutra I.1 teaches, yoga is expressed now.
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Chad Balch
Practicing since: 1988
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Chad's Website
I bring to my teaching an enthusiastic belief in yoga as a practice that can infuse each moment of our daily lives and bring gifts of personal transformation, holistic health maintenance, and stress relief. I first began practicing yoga to augment sports and outdoor activities, to improve flexibility and balance. Beyond the physical benefits, the psychological and emotional effects of asana practice began to take root. For example, I noticed that adho mukha vrksasana (full arm balance) energized me and instantly took my mind off any worries. After some years, the tail began wagging the dog, yoga became central, and I was on a deeper journey. In addition to practicing and teaching yoga, my other roles in life include husband, father, community member, business owner, musician, and outdoorsman. I have discovered that yoga practice supports all these roles. Yoga’s powerful effects and the continually refreshed perspective on life that yoga offers inspire me, keep me coming back to my practice, and motivate me to share this profound practice with others.
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Anne Barbaret
Practicing since: 2000
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Anne's Website
I got interested in yoga when I saw someone practicing yoga on the beach with the San Francisco Bay as the background – she was an Iyengar teacher, who like me enjoyed open water swimming! I love doing Sirsasana (headstand) in the outdoors to see the sky as the ground and get a change of perspective. I am inspired by anything that makes me want to know more and investigate. As a teacher, I hope to ignite interest and curiosity in my students in yoga. My yoga practice is a “go to place” to bring clarity and to address the physical and mental challenges that life brings. As Yoga sutra I.13 says, “Practice is the steadfast effort to still these fluctuations.” Coming to a class requires the conscious effort to choose and discriminate among other possible choices to become present, directing our will, attention and energy to bring a calm and more tranquil mind.
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Amita Bhagat
Practicing since: 2010
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Amita's Website
Amita began her yoga practice in 2010 and began traveling to the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, in 2012. She has traveled there almost annually, her recent trip from 2022-2023 spanning a 5 month long stay to study at RIMYI, the mother Institute. Amita's main teachers are Abhijata Iyengar, the granddaughter of B.K.S. Iyengar, and Prashant Iyengar and Sunita Iyengar, the children of Mr. Iyengar. She also studies with other senior Iyengar Yoga teachers in India and in the U.S. In addition to being a CIYT, Amita is certified through the International Association of Yoga Therapists. In 2013 and 2014 she shadowed Dr. Loren Fishman, a well known physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor in Manhattan, to better understand his use of western medicine and yoga therapeutics. Amita is a former board member of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS). She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Boston University with a focus on women and development in the Middle East and South and Central Asia. Her interests include classical dance and the path of bhakti yoga.
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Nathan Blum
Practicing since: 2002
Certification: CIYT Level 1
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I value yoga because it allows us to explore and expand the boundaries of our bodies and mind. The short term benefits are immediate, and the long term benefits are profound. Initially I was drawn to Iyengar yoga for its ability to calm my mind, alleviate aches and pains, and increase my strength and flexibility. After continued practice, I found the benefits expanded. The practice helps me feel more connected to my mind and body, allows me to approach life and stressful situations with equanimity, and provides an opportunity for even greater exploration of myself and the world. I enjoy sharing this transformative power of the yoga journey with all students both experienced and new.
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Nora Burnett
Practicing since: 1986
Certification: CIYT Level 3
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I bring to my teaching a warm heart, knowledge of anatomy and well-being informed by 30 years of practicing and teaching Iyengar Yoga, plus an intention to connect with each person. The dedication of B.K.S. Iyengar, his family and the lineage of teachers inspire me to persevere daily and share what I’ve learned. Art and nature nourish my soul as do courageous people who work for human freedom and dignity. For me, yoga practice is grounding and essential – an infinite exploration that fosters a balanced perspective in all aspects of life. Among my favorite poses are headstand and shoulderstand to clear away mental cobwebs, take the load off the lower limbs, cultivate strength and stability. Sutra II:47: “Perfection in asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached” guides me to do what’s possible at that moment, find the ease of simply being there, and continue on.
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Maria Calabria
Practicing since: 1985
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Maria's Website
I fell in love with yoga in 1985 and began studying Iyengar yoga in 1996. From my native Argentina, I also hold degrees in physical education and Expression Corporal (a form of modern dance). I bring to my students the joy I find in the practice, my enthusiasm with a sense of humor and a playful attitude, and hopefully some inspiration to keep going despite whatever situation we may face. There is not one pose I don’t enjoy! Inversions rejuvenate me – handstand is better than coffee. The eagerness to discover who I am brings me to daily practice. I feel inspired daily by my Guru, B.K.S. Iyengar, for the sharpness and playful mind he had till the very end, by all my teachers who show me through their examples and by my students from whom I learn. The Yoga sutra that comes to me most often because it can be applied to almost any situation is “The pains which are yet to come can be and are to be avoided.” (2.16).
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May Mei Chong
Practicing since: 2000
Certification: CIYT Level 1
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May Mei (she/her) has been an avid student of Iyengar yoga since 2000 and is fascinated by the connection between the mind and body. The practice has brought “balance” and much joy to many aspects of her life. In her teaching, she aims to introduce and educate her students on the benefits of an Iyengar yoga practice, so they may walk out of class equipped with a sense of newness and information. Additionally, May Mei strongly believes that the aspects of a restorative yoga practice are as beneficial as an active yoga practice and strives to promote this. She is a graduate of the 500-hour Advanced Studies / Teacher Training Program of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco and is also a certified Advanced Relax & Renew® Restorative Yoga teacher. May Mei loves all things ocean. In her free time, when she is not practicing yoga, you can find her scuba diving among the kelp forests of Monterey Bay.
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Monica Desai Henderson
Practicing since: 2001
Certification: CIYT Level 1
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Monica Desai-Henderson is a graduate of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco Advanced Studies/Teacher Training program and has been teaching Iyengar yoga for over 20 years. She has studied with the Iyengar family in India and is a certified CIYT. Monica teaches with an emphasis on alignment, stability, flexibility, and strength. Through the refinement of postures, proper integration of breath, and mindful relaxation, Monica strives to guide her students towards greater self-awareness and wellbeing. Monica believes in yoga as a path towards holistic health and personal transformation.
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Jacqueline Gerson
Practicing since: 1985
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Jacqueline's Website
I am a Level II Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor, and I have been studying Yoga since the 1980s. I go for training every other year to RIMYI in Pune, India with the Iyengars. I have been familiar with Yoga since early childhood, when I would come home to find my father standing on his head. I love sharing everything that I have learned through my many years with my students. I hold a BA degree in Fine Arts and Communications from Santa Clara University, and I was a docent and teacher at the SF MOMA for 18 years.
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Sharon Hawley
Practicing since: 2006
Certification: CIYT Level 1
Sharon's Website
“…Balance is the state of the present – the here and now. If you balance in the present, you are living in Eternity.” B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Life, 2006. I was profoundly influenced by these words and, in fact, read Light on Life three times in quick succession before I stepped onto a yoga mat. The book ignited something in me as a seeker. Yoga Sutra 1.12 discusses the two pillars of yoga practice – abhyasa (sustained effort) and vairagya (non-attachment to outcome) — that help one achieve equanimity. This goal of attaining balance or equilibrium informed my work as an economist and now informs my practice, teaching and daily life. I am a blessed student. I have been instructed by a number of luminaries, including some who teach at IYISF as well as members of the Iyengar family. But I must pay debt to students, without whom a teacher can neither teach nor learn. To quote the 16th century poet, Louis de Camoes, “the more I give you, the more I owe you.” Namaste.
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Magi Khoo
Practicing since: 2004
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Magi's Website
From balancing a hectic corporate life and grad school over a decade ago and the eventual departure from corporate America that she had only dreamed about growing up in Malaysia, Magi found inner strength in yoga that also brought joy, ease, and freedom to her life. In 2011, she serendipitously ended up in two month-long Iyengar intensive in the foothills of the Himalayas with senior teachers, Rajiv and Saraswati Chanchani while on a year-long exploratory yogic journey. After having practiced other styles of yoga in San Francisco the prior decade, she found Iyengar Yoga made a deeper impact that changed her practice and life, she now dedicates much of her life to it. She is immensely grateful to all her teachers, especially her mentors Janet MacLeod and Kathy Alef, as well as the many students who inform her learning as a teacher and practitioner every day.
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Adrienne Klein
Practicing since: 1982
Certification: CIYT Level 2
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Adrienne discovered Iyengar Yoga in 1982 while pursuing her B.A. in Environmental Studies at U.C. Santa Cruz. The practice instantly struck a resonant chord and she has been studying Iyengar yoga ever since. Each practice is a homecoming and full of discovery. Each practice is unique and can be challenging, soothing, energizing or restful, depending on the needs of the day. Each practice cultivates the whole person (body, mind and heart). After suffering from sciatica and then fully recovering through Iyengar Yoga practice, Adrienne trained to become an Iyengar Yoga teacher at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco in 1995-1998 while working full time for the State of California, at the California Coastal Commission and San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. She became a Level 1 Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) in 2002 and a Level 2 CIYT in 2004. In addition to studying weekly with her senior CIYT in San Francisco, Adrienne studied with the Iyengar family at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India, in 1998, 2003 and 2006. Adrienne has attended seven Iyengar Yoga Conventions, hosted every three years by the Iyengar Yoga Association of the United States (IYNAUS) and is currently serving her second term as the Secretary of the IYNAUS Executive Council and Board.
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Sandy Lamerson
Practicing since: 2012
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Sandy's Website
Sandy Lamerson (she/her) is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, meditation practitioner, and mother. Sandy began her yoga and meditation practice in 2005 after studying in India as a college student. She started Iyengar yoga in 2012, and trained at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco and in India. Sandy lived and practiced at Buddhist meditation centers in the US and Asia for many years. Her deepest intention is to transform suffering into peace, self knowledge, and true purpose. Sandy provides a welcoming environment for all to experience the benefits of yoga. She teaches according to the needs of the individual, time, and season to balance body, mind, and align with the soul.
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Nicole Leong
Practicing since: 1990
Certification: CIYT Level 1
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My Iyengar Yoga journey began in New York City while attending art school at Pratt Institute. Kevin Gardiner, a close friend of my father, was my first yoga teacher. After completing 2 years of the Advanced Studies Teacher Training at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco (with Victoria Austin, Brian Hogencamp, and Jito Yumibe) and 2 more years of preparation, I became a Level 1 CIYT. I consider myself a lifelong learner, especially in the vast subject of yoga. Yoga keeps me intrigued and compels me to be curious to learn more. BKS Iyengar uses the term Involution to describe the experience of yoga penetrating each layer of our being from the periphery to the core. This happens so naturally and effortlessly when we practice diligently. As a teacher, I bring my knowledge and heart into the details of each asana, every unique class sequence, and teaching each individual student. I aim to bring a sense of quiet focus to the mind and body.
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Janet MacLeod
Practicing since: 1978
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Janet's Website
I fell in love with Iyengar Yoga while living in London, England. I moved to California in the late 1970’s and enrolled in the teacher training program at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco. I infuse my teaching with the joy of yoga. I am inspired by the teachings of the Iyengar family, and I enjoy practicing all the yoga asanas and deepening my understanding of the subject by studying all the Yoga Sutras. One of the things that I appreciate about yoga is it involves lifelong learning! Born in the Isle of Skye, Scotland, I have traveled to many parts of the world sharing the light of yoga with all the students I meet.
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Patti Martin
Practicing since: 2005
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Patti's Website
Patti Martin is a warm, encouraging and upbeat teacher who inspires confidence in her students to explore their potentials. Patti is inclusive and respects differences in students; she patiently nurtures the physical and mental evolution that comes with the practice of yoga. Patti is inspired by every person working hard to be better. Her favorite poses are those that she finds difficult, but within reach—those that require focus, faith, dedication, and practice. Patti’s favorite yoga sutra is 1.33: Through cultivation of friendliness, compassion, joy and indifference to pleasure and pain, virtue and vice respectively, the consciousness becomes favorably disposed, serene and benevolent. Patti has served on the boards of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Northern California (IYANC) and the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS).
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Mimi Pajo
Practicing since: 2003
Certification: CIYT Level 2
Mimi's Website
I was amazed when I found that my yoga practice helped manage both my depression and my chronic tendonitis and bursitis. Iyengar Yoga is for everyone, and I practice because it makes me feel good inside and out. I try to make yoga accessible to all of my students, especially those who are inflexible and afflicted by pain. I love doing inversions and backbends – inversions reset me and backbends help me with my personal afflictions and bring vigor to my day! I’m inspired by nature, my mentors and teachers, and the Yoga Sutras. My favorite Sutra is I.33, which is about being compassionate to those less fortunate, to be virtuous. It is an approach to life!
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Athena Pappas
Practicing since: 1989
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Athena's Website
Athena teaches with skill, confidence and generosity of spirit. In her teaching she emphasizes alignment and awareness. Athena’s clarity of instruction inspires classes that are dynamic, accessible and safe. She teaches her students the benefits of yoga for physical and emotional well being. Athena believes that yoga is a many faceted gem, offering skills that inspire practitioners toward experiencing peaceful and contented lives. Athena is dedicated to and inspired by the luminous teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. For over 25 years Athena studied regularly with two of the most senior Iyengar teachers in the world, Manouso Manos and Patricia Walden. She has studied in India under the guidance of the Iyengar family in Pune. She teaches yoga full-time in San Francisco at Tiny Haven Yoga, offers private instruction, workshops and leads retreats locally and abroad.
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Anne Saliou
Practicing since: 1978
Certification: CIYT Level 1
Anne's Website
I have had the privilege of studying directly and extensively with the Iyengar family in India since 1989 and with many senior teachers in the U.S. I have benefitted first hand from the therapeutic value of Iyengar Yoga to rehabilitate my back from a sports injury. In the past 30 years I have helped many students recover from their own injuries and function more efficiently. My exposure to the Buddhist teachings of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh in France and my studies of embodied anatomy with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen have deeply influenced my practice and my teaching. My aim is to share my experience and knowledge of Yoga in a clear, creative, and supportive fashion to guide my students towards greater health, peace, and harmony.
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Julia Sterling
Practicing since: 1993
Certification: CIYT Level 3
Julia's Website
I love the body, how it moves, and how it doesn't move, and the body's connection to the mind and the deeper self. I've spent 3 decades inquiring into Iyengar Yoga, and previous to that countless years exploring a large variety of movement and performance styles. The body is miraculous! The study of it, over time, profound.
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Valerie Velardi
Practicing since: 1983
Certification: CIYT Level 1
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As a child, I enjoyed all forms of movement. I received a Masters Degree in Dance Arts from Mills College and I danced and taught until 1983 when I found Iyengar Yoga. While remaining true to the methodology that speaks to me so vividly, I continue to find fresh new ways to engage in my practice and teaching. Currently, I am exploring ways to modify for beginners an Immune System Asana prescription Mr. Iyengar gave me years ago. My favorite Sutra, I:39, embraces an individual’s uniqueness allowing for the student to find their preferred focus for meditation. My own yoga practice is enhanced by my passion for dancing, building Temples, and sharing a vibrant life with my two children. I encourage my students to integrate their own life’s rich pageant into their yoga journey finding all manners of practice that best suits their temperament.
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